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Do “IT” faster with Microsoft

Time is money, but most of us value both. Microsoft knows how important these two things are. They have developed some programs that will help you work faster with your computer or preferred device. This article will review some helpful features from Microsoft that will help you get your work done faster and more efficiently. […]

iPad VS. Microsoft Surface Go (Comparison/Benefits)

Which Tablet Is Best For You: iPad Or Microsoft Surface Go? Microsoft recently announced a new budget-friendly tablet called the Surface Go with a lower price than previous tablets. This new Surface Go 2-in-1 tablet is Microsoft’s attempt to make it more affordable and accessible for consumers. It doesn’t have the muscle of the Core i7-powered Surface […]

 Best Productivity Apps for Project Management

Productivity is key for any business in today’s competitive market. Even the largest companies can fall victim to dips in productivity, and this can happen for many reasons. Whether there are distractions in the workplace, too much work to do with not enough employees, or simply a lack of effort from a few bad eggs, […]

Busting Tech Myths: Macs can get viruses, too!

There is this extremely popular notion that Apple’s operating system Mac OS X is completely invulnerable to viruses and all other forms of malware. The truth is, that while most experts agree that Macs are structured and engineered to better resist malware, the possibility of infection is still there. Most PCs run on Windows OS which […]

Why IT Security Spending Is Booming

Now that we live in a world full of subscriptions and cloud services, security is on the rise. Security has always been a hot topic – but in 2015 more so than ever. Since the outbreak of widespread security breaches such as Premera, Target, Ashley Madison, and eBay, it should be no surprise that companies […]

Does Your MSP Act As An IT Business Partner?

If you haven’t found an IT support team that acts as a managed services provider (MSP) and adjunct part of your staff, then you need to ditch the IT company you use now and go with better. Only an IT services team that’s also an MSP providing you ongoing network maintenance that covers everything from […]

Heat Up Your Human Firewall With Security Awareness

You may have already had a network firewall to fend off malicious entry. How well-trained are your gatekeepers; i.e., your human firewall? This article highlights some things you can do to make sure your system users can understand intrusion risks from other sources like email and malicious links. Whether your organization is a covered entity […]

Is Your Smart Home Technology Putting You At Risk?

They are convenient, help you save time, energy and money, but smart home devices could pose a security risk for the unaware. Here’s what to know before you opt for smart home technology. Smart home technology is designed to help your home run more efficiently and to make it easier for you to access and […]

Server 2003 End of Service is in 1 Month!

All software has an intended life cycle, but the end of a life cycle does not necessarily mean that the software ceases to function. It usually means that the software will stop receiving updates and fixes, and users will no longer receive any form of technical assistance. And so, starting on July 14, 2015 —mere […]

Windows 10 Sneak Peek

Windows 10 is coming! On July 29, 2015, Microsoft’s newest operating system will be available for download in 190 countries and in 111 languages. Early previews reveal some exciting features. It looks to be an OS that will combine the strengths of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, and will also add in some intuitive and helpful features […]