Cyber Security Awareness Training
Cyber Security
Awareness Training
What is Cyber Security Awareness Training?
Cyber security awareness training is a series of videos and seminars that educate employees on how to identify, prevent and mitigate potential threats. Security awareness training educates everyone on the role they play when it comes to protecting their business from sophisticated cyber threats.
Security awareness training helps strengthen your human firewall and your business. Training will help end users identify cyber-attack techniques, phishing schemes, and potential ways to get infected with malware.
Why Does Your Organization Need Security Awareness Training?
According to a recent study, the information security market is forecasted to reach $170.4 billion in 2022. As cyber threats continue to increase, research also suggests that 95% of cyber breaches occur due to human error.
Cyber security awareness training can help mitigate and prevent the loss of personal identifiable information, financial information, and personal health information. Effective security training will encourage employees to think twice before they download an email attachment or plugin an unfamiliar hard drive.
Phishing Simulations Help Increase Security Awareness
Security assessments are not a one-time project. Our security engineers recommend this to be part of your annual IT assessments. Annual reviews will allow your organization to stay up-to-date on what threats your infrastructure is currently exposed to.