How Do Managed IT Services Save You Money
If you knew that, by changing just one thing, you could save money and generate more profits, would you do it?
Are you currently paying by the hour for IT support? Many business owners are adding “switch to managed IT services” to their list of professional resolutions for the new year. Managed IT services let you offload part or all of the management of your information technology to an entire team that knows what they’re doing.
It’s all about the hassle-free managed IT experience…
Dynamic Quest’s managed IT services to help you save money while we proactively prevent the unnecessary costs and frustrations that come with being reactive. We provide the full gamut of services in one fixed price package: Monitoring, maintenance, and updates, as well as unlimited support, optimization, best practices, strategic planning, and much more.
CompTIA surveyed over 400 businesses that switched to managed IT services and discovered the following:
- 46% reduced their budgets by at least 25%
- 13% cut spending by at least 50%
- 50% decreased annual costs between 1% and 24%
That means over 96% of those surveyed find they’re saving money due to managed IT services. Here’s a few ways managed IT services save you money:
- Regulating cash flow: You’re able to accurately predict what you’re going to spend each month, and what you’re spending it on, which makes cash flow more steady and eliminates surprise expenses.
- Eliminating downtime: Your employees will be able to work productively as our proactive approach eliminates downtime through round-the-clock monitoring, regular patches/updates, and intelligent business continuity. We prevent issues to help avoid the cost of downtime, lost business opportunities, and wasted payroll dollars. We avoid the avoidable problems and minimize the impact of the unavoidable ones.
- Meeting business and profitability goals: You’re able to transition towards a more sophisticated way of using technology, known as managed IT services, wherein staff members are able to focus on achieving business goals without being distracted by technology issues. Your highly paid and talented staff can achieve more with fewer frustrations, higher morale, and better tools.