Blog Archive
Microsoft and Hortonworks Launch HDInsight
Everyone has their sights on big data and how it is drastically changing the business landscape. Many of today’s largest businesses have begun integrating big data analytics to their strategic planning process, and more organizations are expected to follow in their footsteps. To capitalize on the huge demand, service providers are now racing to establish themselves as […]
Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)
Disaster Recovery as a Service, or DRaaS, is essentially insurance against an IT catastrophe. It positions your organization to recover in a timely and predictable fashion when a disruption occurs by keeping a team of experts at your disposal. Advantages of DRaaS 1. Quick Recovery The downtime after suffering a disaster almost always puts an […]
Dynamic Quest Again Supports NCLGISA at Fall Event
This May, Dynamic Quest made its presence known at NCLGISA’s spring conference —that’s the North Carolina Local Government Information Systems Association— as one of 75 vendors supporting the conference and its goals of networking and education. If you were in attendance, you saw DQ’s Darren Barnes across from the well-lit and Dell-equipped police cruiser on display. […]
GeekSpeak: MDM/MAM
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies have been evolving over the last decade as companies try to balance the benefits of increased productivity and decreased equipment cost with the menagerie of security considerations that come with covering a host of mobile devices. Employees work best (and happiest) on equipment they’re accustomed to, but an open mobile device policy can poke holes […]
Unified Threat Management (UTM)
A Unified Threat Management (UTM) is an approach that allows an IT department to manage the entirety of an organizations network security through a lone console. Having all relevant applications, programs and infrastructure components controllable via a single heads-up display (HUD) makes network monitoring, configuration, and threat response so much easier that a single network […]
Office 2016 Preview
We can all agree that Windows 10 has been a smashing success, already installed in more than 75 million devices just a month after its release. All the news about this new Operating System (OS), however, seems to have overshadowed another upcoming release, that of Office 2016 which launches today, the 22nd of September. Office is Microsoft’s […]
3 Ways to Test Your Business Continuity Plan
You’re a positive person. We think that’s spectacular. And though remaining positive is great in principle, sadly it isn’t always a smart risk management mindset. The companies that subscribe to Murphy’s Law are generally best equipped to mitigate risk and handle the unknowns – whether that’s economic downturns, natural disasters, data breaches or server failures. Regardless of […]
Get Ready for Microsoft Server 2016
Microsoft Server 2003 End of Support came and went, and now it’s on to bigger and brighter options in the Windows family of server operating systems! Currently in its third technical release and due for final release in 2016, the newest server OS version MS Server 2016 is expected to take a substantial step forward with […]
Creating a Scalable Enterprise with Cloud Technology
The speed of change in today’s marketplace gives an advantage to businesses that adapt quickly to market conditions. Cloud computing gives businesses the flexibility to grow or shrink their IT use as their needs change. Easy scalability means these companies never pay for more than they need. What is cloud computing? Switching to a […]
How To Plan for Your Server Migration
Server migration can be very challenging especially for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) who have complex server structures and large databases. Moving data is easy. The challenge is moving the applications and database structures that makes migration complicated. Making a Server Migration Plan A good plan is the best way to ensure that your organization […]